
Transportial: Leveraging OTM to Revolutionize Logistics Management

Imagine two people trying to communicate, each speaking a different language. Even if they mean the same thing, they can’t understand each other without a common language. This is often what happens in the logistics industry, where diverse systems and protocols prevent seamless data exchange. At Transportial, we're addressing this challenge head-on contributing to the Open Trip Model (OTM), which is reshaping how logistic information is shared across the globe.

What is the Open Trip Model?

The Open Trip Model provides a standardized "language" for the logistics sector. It facilitates the real-time exchange of logistics data on the web, making it easier for shippers, carriers, software vendors, OEMs, and truck manufacturers to communicate. By adopting a universal language, OTM enables the development of innovative, multi-brand applications and services that can operate seamlessly across different platforms and companies.

Why OTM?

In legacy systems, data sharing often involves complex, cumbersome processes that can lead to delays and increased costs. Moreover, the privacy and security of data can be compromised during these exchanges. By leveraging federated data systems, OTM ensures that data remains secure and distributed, minimizing central points of failure and enhancing overall data protection. The OTM addresses these issues head-on by standardizing data formats and protocols, which reduces the complexity and cost of logistics operations. 

New Features and Advantages of OTM 5.6

The latest update to the Open Trip Model, Version 5.6 (released on 2023-11-17) brings several new features that are already being utilized by various logistics companies. These applications include:

  • Early Transport Plan Sharing: Companies can share transport plans with a Control Tower ahead of time, improving coordination and efficiency.
  • Vehicle Location Updates: Real-time sharing of location updates for specific vehicles or transports with a Control Tower to enhance tracking and management.
  • Transport Order Communication: Shippers can pass transport orders, or sets of orders, to carriers, including all specific requirements needed for the transport.
  • System Integration: Seamless communication between Transportation Management Systems (TMS) and on-board computer systems (Fleet Management Systems, FMS).
  • Municipal Logistics Integration: Integration of logistical data from municipalities into planning systems. For instance, planners can receive alerts if a trip is planned outside the locally applicable window times. This integration extends to data regarding environmental zones, weight/height/width restrictions, preferred routes for freight traffic, and regulations concerning parking spaces and truck parking bans.

OTM 5.6 proves to be a highly versatile library, and as such, it has been integrated as part of the essential data infrastructure currently being developed in the Netherlands (and Europe) through public-private partnerships.

At Transportial, we are committed to leading the transformation of the logistics industry through the use of innovative technologies like the Open Trip Model. We invite other industry professionals, tech enthusiasts, and innovators to join us as we build a future where logistics operations are more integrated, efficient, and secure. 

Discover more about how Transportial is driving change with the Open Trip Model and how you can be a part of this exciting journey.